Post by Gin on Feb 4, 2009 22:57:59 GMT 1
from imdb
#3.10 Dad Original Air Date: 10 December 2001 Directed by Frederick King Keller Writing credits: David Herschel Goodman Episode Cast David Boreanaz ... Angel Charisma Carpenter ... Cordelia Chase Alexis Denisof ... Wesley Wyndam-Pryce J. August Richards ... Charles Gunn Amy Acker ... Winifred 'Fred' Burkle John Rubinstein ... Linwood Murrow Andy Hallett ... Lorne Stephanie Romanov ... Lilah Morgan Daniel Dae Kim ... Gavin Park Jack Conley ... Sahjhan Laurel Holloman ... Justine Cooper Keith Szarabajka ... Daniel Holtz Kira Tirimacco ... Doctor Stephanie Courtney ... Gwen, Files & Records
Plot With the birth of Angel's son, the gang returns to the Hyperion to regroup. There are countless demons, humans and lawyers after the baby now, and Angel is scared to let the kid out of his sight. Team Angel will have to help him keep Conner safe and defeat the baby's enemies. Meanwhile, Holtz finds an ally, a vengeful woman named Justine.
Goofs * Continuity: When Lorne slips Angel the note, his left hand is fussing with the baby. Later, when the lawyers are watching the scene on video, his left hand is down by his side.
Post by Cynni on Feb 5, 2009 17:29:51 GMT 1
from http://www.cityofangel.com:
Episode 10, Season 3 Title: "Dad"
Directed by: Fred Keller Written by: David H. Goodman Original Air date: 10 December 2001
The entire crew enters the Hyperion Hotel after a little shopping for the newborn baby but they are met with the horrible sight of the equipment, cages and medical equipment, left behind by the Wolfram and Hart clean-up crew that did not do such a good job. A homeless Lorne with suitcase in hand startles them and bunks up at the hotel. Lorne tries to hold the mewling baby, but Angel protectively cradles his son and refuses to let anyone hold the baby. Suddenly, an attacker crashes in but Wes and Gunn quickly dispose of him with an arrow and large scalpel. Cordy realizes, "This isn't over is it?" but Angel is too concerned for his crying son and takes out a diaper. Welcome to the trails and tribulations of fatherhood!
Act I
In the main office, Angel is changing his son's diaper on Wes's desk to the English man's dismay. He offers to help, but Angel turns him down but the baby is still crying. The crew has a list of demons and other evil creatures of those interested in taking the miracle child: Wolfram & Hart, Order of Phillius, Piper Beast, Beltar the Cremator and the Scourge, just to name a few. Angel tries to pacify his son with a bottle, but no go. Holtz's name is at the top of the list.
Beneath the city of Angel, Sahjahn is extremely upset at Holtz and vice versa for forgetting once again an important part of information: Darla's pregnancy. The demons behind them quickly begin to choke and die. Holtz wants real warriors that will die for his cause not fight for the highest bidder so he poisoned them. Holtz wants to search for dedicated followers through the Internet by searching the obituaries.
At the Hyperion, the crew is now adding to their list attempting to be as thorough as possible. Already three sites are offering money for the child, who is still crying. Angel grabs a teddy bear to try to quiet him down. Suddenly, a light blue flash occurs throughout the hotel, but it's just Lorne getting the Furies to place a force field around the hotel for protection, but the crew knows it's only a matter of time. There is also a mystical door downstairs that opens with a password, just in case they need to leave pronto! It maybe sooner than they think, because Cordy reminds Angel the baby needs to get his check-up and special new baby shots. Lorne's extra sensitive psychic radar hears a hum, but ignores it. Angel, knowing their cache of hand-to-hand weaponry are not enough for what's ahead, asks Gunn to find some extra firepower. Fred cannot trace the email of the sites and this leaves Angel frustrated, "No one is going to put their hands on this child!"
At Wolfram and Hart, Lilah, Gavin and Linwood solve the riddle of the scrolls. Since Darla staked herself, there was actually no real childbirth but only death, a loophole no one ever saw. Gavin has tactical teams ready to take the baby practicing possible scenarios, but they also want info on the mysterious surprise stranger that killed their first tactical team. Linwood continues to admire the baby via the surveillance screen.
In Angel's bedroom, our new vamp dad tries to sing to his son in a cradle, but the baby still cries. Lorne drops by and even his magical voice can't placate the baby. The baby has been fed and changed and Angel feels like a terrible father. Lorne points out that both are incredibly connected and that Angel needs to calm down with all the tension vibes he's been throwing off. "He's more than a mission bro! Look at him. Look at him." And leaves, as Angel sits down with his son in his arms in awe and begins to make several faces at him in the hopes of finally calming him. Unfortunately, he quickly runs out of options, except for a last one and he turns vamp face. The baby immediately quiets down, "That's my little guy!"
Act II
Lilah visits Files & Records to find out who the mystery man is but finds that Angel's entire file is in thirty-five cabinets. She settles in for what's going to be a long research project.
In a Los Angeles back alley, Holtz follows an attractive red head in a black leather jacket. He pulls out a print out of an obituary of a girl named Julia Cooper. The woman defends herself against Holtz, but Holtz has bigger plans for her because he knows she's grieving for her twin sister that died mysteriously with major blood loss and two small wounds in her neck. He wants to help Justine, but after the scuffle she warns him to stay away and leaves.
At the Hyperion Fred is still trying to trace the emails. Angel comes down with the baby and reveals that he was up all night just watching him. Cordy offers to help but refuses and to prove a point takes him outside into the sunlit courtyard. He must share in the responsibility of the baby because he can't do everything for obvious reasons. Angel pulls his hand into the sunlight where it begins to sizzle and promises that if his son needs to go to the hospital in the middle of the day, he will get him there even if the father does not. They return inside and Lorne slips a piece of paper into Angel's pocket. Gunn brings the extra firepower and informs them that a biker gang, vampires in dark cars and possibly a van of demons are outside waiting for the full moon when their powers are at maximum. Wes thinks the demons are Lilliad demons that can break the force field with their powerful magic. The crew braces for the worst.
At Files and Records, Lilah has been searching for the past fourteen hours the identity of the mysterious man. She tries to remember his name by thinking out loud and the research girl at the desk overhears and immediately makes out Holtz's name. Lilah is intrigued, and it seems that W&H has cybergenics working on their side. Miss Files and Records is not just your ordinary filing Harvey Girl, processing data with a digital-eye reflex as fast as Lilah can query it and quickly shoots out the gruesome history of Holtz. Holtz has every reason to be on a bloodthirsty vengeance wish for Angel at the center of it, which leaves Lilah impressed.
In an LA cemetery, Holtz watches from the shadows as Justine battles a vampire, but when he makes himself known, Justine is distracted and the vamp gets the upper hand. Holtz saves her and offers to help her learn to fight and asks for her help. They share the same kind of hate and she finally follows him.
Outside the Hyperion, the Lilliad Demons begin their spell to break the force field. Fred, Wes, and Gunn are ready. Gunn spots the vamps fighting with the bikers for the chance to be the first through the door. Angel decides to desert them rather than fight and takes the baby with him. He figures that he can get a head start on everyone before they discover he's gone. The crew feels he's abandoning them once again. Fred cries, "Angel don't leave us."
At Wolfram & Hart Linwood and Gavin watch Angel leave and Linwood is glad that they have the lead on him. Gavin gives the tactical team the heads up. The child must be captured.
Angel sneaks beneath the sewers as the W&H tactical team keeps watch outside. The demons manage to break the force field and inside the crew gets ready for the coming assault. The bikers, vampires and demons fight to see who will be the first inside.
Angel creeps out of the sewer and into the street and inside his car with the baby as the tactical team watches and follows.
Inside the Hyperion, demons and vampires demand the location of the child, but are greeted by Wes's fire-thrower and turned into barbeque. Shortly after, a vampire follows in to warn his now toasty buddies that Angel is getting away, but he's turned to crisp as well. Meanwhile, outside every beast has spotted Angel's getaway and they quickly follow. The hotel is empty except for the armed crew, Cordy realizes, "Now they're all after him."
Angel drives out of LA and into the direction of the Mojave Desert, but his pursuers are closely behind and he drives into an abandoned mining site. With his son, Angel jumps out of the car and into a mind shaft but quickly finds himself trapped deep inside and most of pursuers now joined by the W&H lackeys are within arms length. Angel talks to his son, "It could be worse. At least you're not crying."
Act IV
His pursuers want the baby and Angel obliges by throwing the white bundle into the air and climbs on a pulley system that sends him flying out of the mine shaft. An eager vampire unwraps the bundle to discover a teddy bear with a special present wrapped around its waist, "It's a " Kabloom! The bomb goes off killing his pursuers and Angel makes a clean getaway.
At an LA hospital, Cordy with the crew takes the baby in for a check up.
At Wolfram & Hart Linwood points out to Lilah and Gavin the piece of video that shows Lorne passed the note to Angel concerning the surveillance. They're amazed by Lorne's psychic ability to hear the transmission frequency of their equipment. It was all a façade to trick everyone. Holtz was not among the pursuers and Lilah gives them the lowdown on the 200 plus human vampire killer, who was foretold in the prophecies. An alarm goes off and Angel barges into the room and knifes Linwood across his cheek. Angel makes it clear, "You're gonna make sure he has a long and happy life. You just became his godfather! Understand." Linwood had better start saving for that college fund because Angel has his heart set on Notre Dame.
Back at the hospital, the doctor reports the baby is in great health but the baby has no name. Just then Angel enters, "Conner. His name is Conner" and the doctor hands Conner to his father. Gunn brings in a stroller and Cordy places Conner inside. They are safe for the time being and so head for home. Angel pushes the stroller, while his beloved family follows ready for anything that comes their way.